Many thanks to Kari of the gallery for providing me with the opportunity to work fast and furious to produce these.
As they came along, I wasn't quite sure how they'd turn out, but I was very pleased with the result. The first three are on dark mustard paper in black frames. The last three, on brown paper and white frames.
Each paper girl was carefully named, carried through the snowy lane to the gallery and lovingly handed off to Kari as soon as they were complete... Farewell!
Additional photos of the gallery opening will soon follow!
These are so lovely! A gallery thats really neat! What gallery are these little beauties going to?
These turned out so nice, congrats on the show!
Wow! I actually prefer these to the paper dolls. They are a much higher calibre and I love the layering. Good choice!! Can't wait to see pictures of the gallery :)
The Papercuts & Gluesticks Gallery is in Rocky River (Ohio) just down the street from my apartment. It's a brand new gallery displaying mainly cut paper, assemblage, collage and folk art. Had its grand opening on the 22nd!
Very beautiful. Thanks for sharing :))
beautiful claire! can't wait to see what's next
those are nice, although the motif was repetitive
Yes, they all have very similar qualities... I was considering continuing the "flowers sprouting from bellies" motif throughout all of them, but since I started and finished the first three in 3 evenings, and the last three in 2 evenings, I was very rushed and also didn't feel like they needed to be terribly different. In my future ventures, I plan on experimenting with much more varied poses, subject matter, patterns, etc. I do, however, tend to carry certain elements through all my work; flora, scarves, skirts, feet on tip-toe. Maybe someday I'll get it out of my system :)
are u interest in surrealism? would be awed to such in this format.
Oh yes - I very definitely have an interest in surrealism. I tend to include a little somthing or other unusual in much of my work. Floating off the ground ever so slightly, a suggestion of disater off-page, bearded ladies, boys with antlers, nests in hair, floating whales, flowers sprouting from tummies... I'm hoping to have enough time (and energy) to persue such things in the paper girl form - and expand from girls to boys and animals and architecture and creatures. Any suggestions?
These are beautiful!
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